Eternal Heart

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glory, glory!

you have turned my mourning into dancing; you have loosened my sackcloth & clothed me in gladness

psalm 30:11

Big Tree fell down. A very large, very healthy tree under which voodoo was practiced, came crashing down at 4pm one day. No storm, no rain, no other tree so much as lost a leaf. But Big Tree sits in pieces in a place tried, anguished, but ultimately faithful to God. When I heard this story, I couldn’t help but think about the veil tearing in two from the top down as Jesus gave up His spirit. God wants us in closeness with Him. So much so that He destroys things that keep us from Him, top down.

The voodoo priest that was most prominent in the community gave his life to Jesus a couple months before the tree fell down. And, he died a couple weeks after the tree. This man spent his whole life perpetuating darkness. But in his last few days on this side of heaven, he saw the darkness defeated. The light always wins. Like the veil that separated us from God, like this tree whose roots were planted in despair, all will be overcome. God makes all things new, all things Holy. A lifetime devoted to darkness was not enough to win. And in giving our lives as an offering to Jesus, He destroys things that keep us away from Him, from top to bottom.

Heaven cracks every veil in my life to bring me in closer proximity to Jesus. As shocked as I was to hear that the largest, healthiest tree I’ve ever seen had suddenly fallen down, I don’t think I’m surprised anymore. Of course nothing can stand against the goodness and power of God. Of course the veil tore from top down. The power is coming from Heaven, and all buckles under the weight of this glory. I ask God to tear every veil, every tree, everything in my life that disrupts my proximity to Him. Destroy it all. An entire life’s work, a tree as old as time, a symbol of the temple. Ruin it all, God, as it doesn’t serve you. I look upon the remains of Big Tree, and can only utter one word: glory.

and behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. and the earth shook, and rocks were split.

Matthew 27:51