Eternal Heart

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august wildfires (+ earthquake update)

I wrote this journal entry last august. and the more I read about the tragedies that have been happening in Haiti and Afghanistan, the more helpless I feel. but the more helpless I am, the more I need Jesus. the more I need prayer.

it’s always august that stirs up something inside me. think about it: have you ever had a peaceful august? maybe its the rush of returning back to school, hoping the new year brings out a whole new you. maybe it’s because it’s so dang hot and we’re trying to escape the heat but also become increasingly aware of the threat of winter. august must feel extra chaotic because yet another summer has passed and we just didn’t fit it all in, we aren’t exactly where we want to be, we took too much for granted, again. the august heat hits us in the face with the heavy reminder that we kind of are running out of time.

one august, I was in haiti. it was so hot, cecilia and I even argued if the phrase was really “hot as Haiti,” not “hot as hades.” one evening, my mom called me from home. there was a wildfire across the street from the house; they were watching the flames approach from the back deck. Immediately I was scared. i had horses at my house so evacuating is quite the process. I was so helpless, being so far away. I was frantically calling everyone I know at home, trying to make sure arrangements were made to get my horses somewhere safe. there was not much I could do, but I was unsettled and upset. Danise had been sitting next to me the whole time, studying my face, my tone, and my reactions to get a read on the situation. after hanging up the phone, the child grabbed my hand.

“mia.” she said, softly. “lets pray.”

I was dumbfounded in that moment. in fact, I think I laughed. of course! how could I be so silly. lets pray! danise prayed for me, my family, my house. she prayed a sweet prayer to Jesus, that His will be done. and within the hour, my mom had put the horses back in their stalls and kissed them goodnight. the fire was no longer a threat.

I get so easily carried away in the wildfires of august. so easily frightened. so agitated, so in search for things to settle, begin, routinize, burn out. and I try to control all of it. but really, what my augusts need more of, is prayer. lets give it all to Jesus. He’s the best at containing wildfires anyway. I wish I had Danise by my side every august to take my hand and whisper a prayer. I want to be more like her. I want to have her faith, her softness, her wisdom. I bet her augusts are a lot more peaceful that way.

In my distress I called to the Lord;
I cried to my God for help.
From his temple he heard my voice;
my cry came before him, into his ears.
Psalm 18:6

as we watch videos of the damage caused by the earthquake in south haiti, see crumbled homes, business, families, and bones, let us not forget that our most powerful way to help is through prayer. I think that’s all I know right now. that’s my best answer. join me in prayer for the haitian country, it’s people, and their faith. they are the strongest people I know. God has not forgotten them, of this I am sure.

if you are interested in earthquake relief efforts, here are a few local organizations I recommend looking into and/or donating to:

as always, eternal heart gladly accepts your donations as well and 100% of the proceeds go towards the haitian people and their needs.

homes affected by the earthquake on Ile-a-Vache; photo from Yves Prophete